class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Accelerating Computational Reproducibility with the Social Science Reproduction Platform ## Metascience Conference ### Fernando Hoces de la Guardia, BITSS ### September 2021 |
--- background-image: url("Images/BITSSlogo.png"), url(Images/cega.png) background-size: contain, 200px background-position: 50% 100% , 100% 10% count:true #[BITSS]( <style> .center2 { margin: 0; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } pre.sourceCode { max-height: 200px; overflow-y: auto; } /* .remark-slide-number { position: inherit; } .remark-slide-number .progress-bar-container { position: absolute; bottom: 0; height: 4px; display: block; left: 0; right: 0; } .remark-slide-number .progress-bar { height: 100%; background-color: blue; } */ </style> <style type="text/css"> # CSS for including pauses in printed PDF output (see bottom of lecture) @media print { .has-continuation { display: block !important; } } </style> .pull-left[ The Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences works to improve </br>the credibility of science by </br> advancing transparency, </br> reproducibility, rigor, and </br> ethics in research and policy analysis. .font130[**Core ACRe**] Aleks Bogdanoski Albert Chae Fernando Hoces de la Guardia Katie Hoeberling Edward Miguel Lars Vilhuber ] .pull-right[ .right[ We are part of the Center for Effective Global Action ([CEGA]( </br></br></br></br></br></br></br> .font130[[**Many Others**](] CEGA staff Undergrad and Graduate RAs Catalysts Outside Collaborators (Researchers, Programmers) ]] --- count:false # Motivation: Computational Reproducibility <!--- --> .pull-right[ .font130[ Clarebout Principle: </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> ] ] --- background-image: url("Images/iceberg.jpg") background-size: 50% background-position: 100% 50% count:false # Motivation: Computational Reproducibility <!--- --> .pull-right[ .font130[ "Clarebout Principle": </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> .right[ <cite> Buckheit and D.L. Donoho (1995, [2009](</cite> ] ] ] --- background-image: url("Images/iceberg.jpg") background-size: 50% background-position: 100% 50% count:false # Motivation: Computational Reproducibility <!--- --> .pull-left[ Every semester, graduate students around **the world** take an Empirical/Applied [`...`] course. A typical assignment consists of reproducing the results of a paper and, possibly, testing the robustness of its results. | Stage | New Knowledge | |:-----------------: |:------------------------------------------------------------: | | </br></br> | | | </br></br> | | | </br></br> | | | </br></br> | </br> | ] .pull-right[ .font130[ "Clarebout Principle": </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> .right[ <cite> Buckheit and D.L. Donoho (1995, [2009](</cite> ] ] ] --- background-image: url("Images/iceberg.jpg") background-size: 50% background-position: 100% 50% count:false # Motivation: Computational Reproducibility <!--- --> .pull-left[ Every semester, graduate students around **the world** take an Empirical/Applied [`...`] course. A typical assignment consists of reproducing the results of a paper and, possibly, testing the robustness of its results. | Stage | New Knowledge | |:-----------------: |:------------------------------------------------------------: | | Scope </br> (select and verify) | Data and code exist? | | </br></br> | | | </br></br> | | | </br></br> | </br> | ] .pull-right[ .font130[ "Clarebout Principle": </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> .right[ <cite> Buckheit and D.L. Donoho (1995, [2009](</cite> ] ] ] --- background-image: url("Images/iceberg.jpg") background-size: 50% background-position: 100% 50% count:false # Motivation: Computational Reproducibility <!--- --> .pull-left[ Every semester, graduate students around **the world** take an Empirical/Applied [`...`] course. A typical assignment consists of reproducing the results of a paper and, possibly, testing the robustness of its results. | Stage | New Knowledge | |:-----------------: |:------------------------------------------------------------: | | Scope </br> (select and verify) | Data and code exist? | | Assess | Degree of reproducibility for <br>specific part of the paper | | </br></br> | | | </br></br> | </br> | ] .pull-right[ .font130[ "Clarebout Principle": </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> .right[ <cite> Buckheit and D.L. Donoho (1995, [2009](</cite> ] ] ] --- background-image: url("Images/iceberg.jpg") background-size: 50% background-position: 100% 50% count:false # Motivation: Computational Reproducibility <!--- --> .pull-left[ Every semester, graduate students around **the world** take an Empirical/Applied [`...`] course. A typical assignment consists of reproducing the results of a paper and, possibly, testing the robustness of its results. | Stage | New Knowledge | |:-----------------: |:------------------------------------------------------------: | | Scope </br> (select and verify) | Data and code exist? | | Assess | Degree of reproducibility for <br>specific part of the paper | | Improve | E.g. fixed paths, libraries,<br>added missing files, etc. | | </br></br> | </br> | ] .pull-right[ .font130[ "Clarebout Principle": </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> .right[ <cite> Buckheit and D.L. Donoho (1995, [2009](</cite> ] ] ] --- background-image: url("Images/iceberg.jpg") background-size: 50% background-position: 100% 50% count:true # Motivation: Computational Reproducibility <!--- --> .pull-left[ Every semester, graduate students around **the world** take an Empirical/Applied [`...`] course. A typical assignment consists of reproducing the results of a paper and, possibly, testing the robustness of its results. | Stage | New Knowledge | |:-----------------: |:------------------------------------------------------------: | | Scope </br> (select and verify) | Data and code exist? | | Assess | Degree of reproducibility for <br>specific part of the paper | | Improve | E.g. fixed paths, libraries,<br>added missing files, etc. | | Test robustness | Results are robust to additional <br>specifications | ] .pull-right[ .font130[ "Clarebout Principle": </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> .right[ <cite> Buckheit and D.L. Donoho (1995, [2009](</cite> ] ] ] --- # .font90[**A**ccelerating **C**omputational **Re**producibility: Framework] ## Beyond Binary Judgments Reproductions can easily gravitate towards adversarial exchanges. - Early career researchers (ECR) have incentives to emphasize unsuccessful reproductions - Original authors have a more senior position and can use it to deter in-depth reproductions from ECRs. - The media also focuses on eye-catching headlines -- ### Our approach: We do not want to say > "Paper X is (ir)reproducible" -- We do want to say > "Result Y in paper X has a high/low level of reproducibility according to several reproduction attempts. Moreover, improvements have been made to the original reproduction package, increasing its reproducibility to a higher level" --- count:false # .font90[**A**ccelerating **C**omputational **Re**producibility: Framework] ## Beyond Binary Judgments Reproductions can easily gravitate towards adversarial exchanges. - Early career researchers (ECR) have incentives to emphasize unsuccessful reproductions - Original authors have a more senior position and can use it to deter in-depth reproductions from ECRs. - The media also focuses on eye-catching headlines ### Our approach: We do not want to say > "Paper X is (ir)reproducible" We do want to say > "Result Y in paper X has a high/low **level** of reproducibility according to **several** reproduction attempts. Moreover, **improvements** have been made to the original reproduction package, **increasing** its reproducibility to a higher level" --- count: true background-image: url(Images/paper-claims.svg) background-size: 610px background-position: 75% 0% # ACRe Framework .pull-left[ .font100[ Each **reproduction attempt** is centered <br> around scientific **claims** (following [SCORE]( One paper can contain several claims. Each claim may be supported by various </br> **display items**: tables, figures & inline results. A reproduction attempt is at the claim level, <br> and reproducers must record their <br> **specifications** of interest. Key challenge: **standardization** of concepts <br> and formats. ] DI: Display Item S: Specificaiton ] .pull-right[ ] --- background-image: url(Images/home_page.png) background-size: contain count:true .center[ # Demo: []() ] --- background-image: url(Images/stages.svg) background-size: contain # Stages --- background-image: url(Images/select.svg), url(Images/select_paper.png) background-size: 400px, 700px background-position: 95% 100%, 0% 10% count:false # Select a paper --- background-image: url(Images/select.svg), url(Images/select_example.png), url(Images/select_paper.png) background-size: 400px, 600px, 700px background-position: 95% 100%, 100% 0%, 0% 10% count:true # Select a paper --- background-image: url(Images/scope.svg), url(Images/scope_paper.png) background-size: 400px, 700px background-position: 95% 100%, 0% 10% count:false # Scope --- background-image: url(Images/scope.svg), url(Images/scope_paper2.png) , url(Images/scope_paper.png) background-size: 400px, 500px, 700px background-position: 95% 100%, 90% 0%, 0% 10% count:false # Scope --- background-image: url(Images/scope.svg), url(Images/scope_example.png), url(Images/scope_paper2.png) , url(Images/scope_paper.png) background-size: 400px, 600px, 500px, 700px background-position: 95% 100%, 100% 75%, 90% 0%, 0% 10% count:true # Scope --- background-image: url(Images/assess.svg), url(Images/assess_paper1.png) background-size: 400px, 120px background-position: 95% 100%, 0% 10% count:false # Assess --- background-image: url(Images/assess.svg), url(Images/assess_paper2.png) background-size: 400px, 120px background-position: 95% 100%, 0% 10% count:false # Assess --- background-image: url(Images/assess.svg), url(Images/assess_example1.png), url(Images/assess_paper2.png) background-size: 400px, 500px, 120px background-position: 95% 100%, 15% 50%, 0% 10% count:false # Assess --- background-image: url(Images/assess_example2.png), url(Images/assess.svg), url(Images/assess_example1.png) , url(Images/assess_paper2.png) background-size: 600px, 400px, 500px, 120px background-position: 100% 80%,95% 100%, 15% 50%, 0% 10% count:true # Assess --- background-image: url(Images/impr_rob.svg) background-size: contain # Improvements & Robustness ### Three types of improvements: .font130[ 1. Improvements at the paper level 2. Improvements at the display-item level 3. Specific future improvements ] <br><br><br><br><br><br> ## Two main parts for robustness: .font130[ 1. Increase the number of robustness checks 2. Justify the reasonableness of a specific test ] --- background-image: url(Images/robust.svg) background-size: 400px background-position: 95% 95% # Robustness & Reproducibility .pull-left[ Robustness with level 1 <img src="Images/robustness_lvl0.svg" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Robustness with levels 5-9 <img src="Images/robustness checks.svg" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-left[ Robustness with levels 2-4 <img src="Images/robustness_lvl2_4.svg" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Robustness with level 10 <img src="Images/robustness_lvl10.svg" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- background-image: url(Images/completed_repro1.png) background-size: 450px background-position: 0% 0% count:false # Completed Reproduction: [Example]( --- background-image: url(Images/completed_repro2.png), url(Images/completed_repro1.png) background-size: 300px, 450px background-position: 35% 0%, 0% 0% count:false # Completed Reproduction: [Example]( --- background-image: url(Images/completed_repro3.png) ,url(Images/completed_repro2.png), url(Images/completed_repro1.png) background-size: 600px , 300px, 450px background-position: 100% 10%, 35% 0%, 0% 0% count:true # Completed Reproduction: [Example]( .pull-right[ .font130[ <br><br><br><br><br><br><br> - **Share it:** Original authors, instructors, other researchers, add it to your CV - **Discuss it:** Discourse forum for reproductions - **Cite it:** Reproduction DOI coming soon ] ] --- background-image: url(Images/use1.png) background-size: 500px background-position: 0% 0% count:false # How Do I Get Started? .center[ .font120[ [**Use it**]( for your class <br> or independent project ] ] --- background-image: url(Images/use2.png), url(Images/use1.png) background-size: 600px, 500px background-position: 35% 100%, 0% 0% count:false # How Do I Get Started? .center[ .font120[ [**Use it**]( for your class <br> or independent project ] ] <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> .font120[ Consult the <br> supporting <br> [**guide**]( ] --- background-image: url(Images/use3.png) ,url(Images/use2.png), url(Images/use1.png) background-size: 400px, 600px, 500px background-position: 100% 0%, 35% 100%, 0% 0% count:true # How Do I Get Started? .center[ .font120[ [**Use it**]( for your class <br> or independent project ] ] <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> .font120[ Consult the <br> supporting <br> [**guide**]( ] .right[ .font120[ [**Ask**]( questions ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # .font140[ Thank You] <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=100%></html> .font190[ <> ]